Thursday, October 8, 2009

Seeing the Dead

Thur 8 Oct 1778: One of our friends whom I have known several years, Mrs. Sarah M and on whose veracity I could depend, was mentioning some uncommon circumstances. I desired her to relate them at large, which she readily did as follows:
Six or seven years ago a servant of my husband’s died of the smallpox. A few days after, as I was walking into the town, I met him in his common, everyday clothes, running towards me. In about a minute he disappeared.
Mr. Heth, a surgeon and apothecary, died in March 1756. On the 14th of April following, I was walking with two other women in the High Street, about day-break, and we all three saw him, dressed as he usually was, in a scarlet surtout, a bushy wig, and a very small hat. He was standing and leaning against a post, with his chin resting on his hands. As we came towards him (for we were not frighted at all), he walked towards us and went by us. We looked steadily after him and saw him till he turned into the market-house.
Not long after this, Mr. Sm—— died. Ten or twelve days after, as I was walking near his house about eleven o’clock, in a bright, sun-shiny day, I saw him standing at his chamber window and looking full upon me; but it was with the most horrid countenance that I ever saw. As I walked on, I could not keep my eyes off of him, till he withdrew from the window, though I was so terrified with his ghastly look that I was ready to drop down.