Saturday, December 25, 2010

Question and Reflections on "Christmas 2010" sermon

 Read my sermon here.

1. In what way was Jesus a new beginning for the world?
2. In what way was Jesus a new beginning for you?
3. "We tend to stress that God became like us in Christ, in the Christmas event, and we tend to forget that it was and is so that we can become like Him. Christmas is a time where it is worth reflecting on how that process is going in your life and mine." How is that process going in your life?
4. With regard to question 3 and bearing in mind our doctrine of Christian Perfection, how is your growth in personal holiness going? [It might be necessary to first reflect on whether you actually know our doctrine in this regard]
5. What have been and what are the darknesses in your life? Has Jesus been any help? [Be honest]
6. Can you remember the 4 elements of witnessing that were highlighted?
7. Is God calling you to any new commitments as a consequence of worshipping Him this Christmas?