Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wesley's Prayers for Children 8

Evening Prayer
O GOD, the Creator and Preserver of all mankind, I most humbly beseech thee now to accept my
sincere praise and thanksgiving for all the blessings and mercies that I have enjoyed this day. It is
thou, O Lord, alone, who hast preserved me from dangers; and from thy gracious bounty have I
received all things needful to promote my present and eternal happiness. Not unto me, O Lord,
not unto me, but unto thy name, be the praise. O Lord, I am unworthy, through my manifold sins,
to offer thee any sacrifice; yet, as thy property is to have mercy and to forgive, I beseech thee to
accept this my bounden duty; not dealing with me according to my deserving, but after thy mercy,
and the merits of thy dear Son Jesus Christ. I confess unto thee, O my God, that I am tied and
bound with the chain of my sins; yet, let the pitifulness of thy great mercy loose me. I have no
power of myself to help myself; O do thou keep me by thy grace, both outwardly in my body, and
inwardly in my soul, that I may be enabled to present both body and soul a holy and pleasing
sacrifice unto thee, through my Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Grant me, O my God, grace, that I may
love what thou hast commanded, and earnestly desire what thou hast promised. Enable me,
amidst the many changes of this world, to fix my heart constantly upon things above. May I, both
in heart and mind, constantly thither ascend, whither my Saviour, Jesus Christ, is gone before, to
prepare a place for me. Bring me up, O Lord, in thy fear and love. Keep me under the protection
of thy good providence. Hide me under the shadow of thy wings; keep me from the evils of this
world, and land me safe at last on that blissful shore, where all is quietness and assurance for
Into thy hands, O my God, I this night commend my soul and body. Give thy angels charge over
me, and grant me such rest and sleep as may fit me for the duties of the following day. And, O my
God, do thou prepare me for my last sleep in death, my departure out of this mortal state; that,
before I go hence, I may finish the work thou hast given me to do, and at last finish my course
with joy through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.